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What is Super-large Warp-knitted Air Spacer Fabric

Views: 179     Author: A-ZEN Academy     Publish Time: 2022-12-29      Origin: Original

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Super-large air-mesh warp-knitted spacer fabric is a new type of three-dimensional structure Mattress-Underlay-by-Breathable-3D-Spacer-Mesh-for-Boat-RV-Moisture-Preventionspacer fabric with two surfaces connected by spacer yarns and a large distance between them. It is also called warp-knitted 3D structure fabric or brushed fabric.

The thickness of super-large warp-knitted spacer fabrics is usually 100-300 mm (the spacer yarn is stretched), and there are very few fabrics whose thickness can reach more than 650mm.

Super-large warp-knitted spacer fabrics of different thicknesses have different requirements for raw material types and properties, warp knitting machines processing technology, etc. 

The super-large space determines its high and unique application value, making it a kind of versatile, high-performance fabric.

super-large warp-knitted air spacer air mat inflatable (2)

The Structure of Super-large Warp-knitted Air Spacer

The super-large warp-knitted spacer fabric is knitted from two surface yarns and one spacer yarns in the middle. The fabric is divided into three layers, namely the upper surface layer, the spacer layer ,and the inner surface layer.

The spacer yarn runs through between the two surface layers according to certain rules, forming a spacer layer with a certain thickness and spatial structure between the two surface layers of the fabric.

Features of the Super-large Warp-knitted Spacer Fabrics

  • The Thickness of the air-spacer fabrics

    The spacing distance of super large warp knitted spacer fabric is very large, usually about 100-300 mm, and the distance can also be produced according to the requirements of different structural properties. At present, the common fabric thicknesses are 70, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300mm, etc., sometimes even as high as 650mm. The thickness of the surface layer of the fabric is about 1-2 mm, and it is usually 2.1-3.0 mm after coating.

  • High-strength Filaments used in Warp-knitted Large Spacer Fabrics

    The arrangement density of spacer filaments in the fabric is small, and high-strength filaments are used. In general, if the density of spacer yarn is too high, the compressed thickness of the product will increase, making it difficult to store, and it will also cause waste of excess spacer yarn. If the spacer yarn density is too small, the strength of the spacer layer cannot be guaranteed, so the spacer yarn density should be designed according to the specific application of the fabric.

  • Basic Lapping Movement of the Warp-knitted Spacer Fabrics

    The surface structure of the fabric generally adopts 1 and 1 Lapping Movement to meet the needs of the coating. Ordinary warp-knitted spacer fabrics generally use high-modulus polyester monofilaments or polypropylene monofilaments to avoid bending and lodging of the spacer yarns. However, the warp-knitted spacer fabric with a super-large distance has large length, low rigidity, and low arrangement density. The fabric cannot rely solely on the support of the spacer to achieve compressive performance, so it must be coated with a surface coating and filled before it can be better. exert its performance.

Super-large Warp-knitted Spacer Fabrics Manufacturing Technique

  • Yarn Material For the Super-large Warp-knitted Spacer Fabrics

    The spacer yarns used in super-large distance warp-knitted spacer fabrics are mostly multi-filaments, and chemical fiber materials with high strength and low elasticity are mostly used, such as 150-300D polyester multi-filaments. Following production date from AZ2885 model double-needle bar raschel warp knitting machine:

Ground Bar Chain Notation  Yarn Spec. Threading Rack-in Amount
GB1 5555/0000// 200D/48f FDY Full Threading 2900
GB2 0111/1000// 200D/48f FDY Full Threading 2300




300D/72f FDY 1 in 7 out 16800
GB4 0111/1000// 200D/48f FDY Full Threading 2300
GB5 5555/0000// 200D/48f FDY Full Threading 2900
  • Warp Knitting Structure Notation 

    The threading of spacer yarns in super-large distance warp-knitted spacer fabrics is relatively sparse. In the warp knitting process of spacer yarns, the Miss-lapping Technique can be properly added to achieve the required spacer yarn density. For example, the surface structure adopts the process of Pillar Stitch and Lay-in combination.

  • Finishing Process

    The common coating material in the textile field is polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which makes the fabric waterproof and good sealing, and can also enhance the abrasion resistance. In addition, there is also a flame retardant added to the coating material to make it have a flame-retardant function.

Applications of the Large-distance Warp-knitted Spacer Fabrics

  • Sporting Goods

    Warp-knitted spacer fabric inflatable cushions with super large gauge are also called inflatable brushed air cushions, which can be used in sports goods, such as gymnastics, martial arts training air cushions, fitness mats, yoga mats, etc. The inflatable cushion can reduce the collision between the athlete and the ground during training, absorb the excessive impact force of the human body, and play the role of cushioning and protection.

Air Gymnastics Mat Trackwarp-knitted air spacer gym mat air mat cushion

  • Water Inflatable Surf Boats

    Boats and water skis made of warp-knitted spacer fabrics with super-large air spacer are light in weight, easy to inflate, and easy to store and carry after folding. The fabric can also be used as a seat on an inflatable boat.

    The lightweight seat will not bring a weight burden to the inflatable boat, and the human body will not have local heating when sitting on this inflatable seat like foam products. Nowadays, more products such as inflatable fishing boats and surfboard are made from the warp-knitted air spacer fabrics. 

Inflatable Flood-Fighting Rescue Inflatable Fishing BoatWater Racing Inflatable Surfboard For Summer Surf Board

  • Mattress Mat Home Furnishings

    The inflatable brushed air mattress can be used as an air cushion and bedroom mattress. This type of mattress can adjust the softness and hardness of the mattress by adjusting the size of the internal air pressure, that is, to choose the appropriate softness and comfort according to personal preferences.

    This type of mattress can also be used as a camping tent pad, which is easy to store and carry, and the coating on the bottom of the fabric also has a good moisture-proof as well as a breathable effect. Jacquard air-mesh spacer fabric which is produced by RDJ5/1 model warp knitting machine is another warp-knitted spacer fabric used as mattress mats. 

3D Spacer Mesh MattressAir mesh mattress

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